Surgical removal and extraction of wisdom teeth in Bydgoszcz

At Kazimierczak Clinic in Bydgoszcz, we provide safe and comfortable removal of wisdom teeth. Our qualified team of dentists performs extractions of wisdom teeth, from simple cases to complex surgical procedures necessary for impacted teeth. For maximum precision and minimal patient discomfort, we conduct X-ray imaging before each procedure to accurately assess the position of the teeth. Our methods allow patients to quickly forget about the discomfort associated with wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge during adolescence and often grow at improper angles, which can lead to pressure and displacement of adjacent teeth. If you notice symptoms such as pain, pressure, or difficulty cleaning these teeth, it may indicate the need for their surgical removal.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is one of the commonly performed procedures in dentistry. However, not every situation requires surgical intervention—it all depends on the position of the tooth, whether it is properly aligned or impacted in the bone and visible only on X-rays. At Kazimierczak Clinic, we make decisions about extraction based on a detailed assessment of each patient's individual situation in their oral cavity.
Extraction of wisdom teeth is one of the commonly performed procedures in dentistry. However, not every situation requires surgical intervention—it all depends on the position of the tooth, whether it is properly aligned or impacted in the bone and visible only on X-rays. At Kazimierczak Clinic, we make decisions about extraction based on a detailed assessment of each patient's individual situation in their oral cavity.

We believe that healthy, properly positioned wisdom teeth, fully erupted and in proper occlusion, should not be removed. Our approach assumes that surgical removal of wisdom teeth should be preceded by a thorough diagnosis.

However, we recommend the removal of wisdom teeth if they are improperly positioned, despite full eruption. Such teeth may disrupt proper occlusion, press on the roots of adjacent teeth, damage soft tissues of the oral cavity, and cause crowding. They may also hinder the implementation of appropriate prosthetics.

Indications for removal may also include partial eruption of wisdom teeth, which do not fit within the dental arch and are covered by the so-called gum hood. Partially erupted teeth can cause discomfort, inflammation of the gums and periodontium, and can also be a focus of decay due to compromised hygiene and accumulation of pathogens around them.

Wisdom teeth completely impacted in the bone, visible only on X-rays, are often removed in our clinic for orthodontic reasons. Cases where wisdom teeth impede tooth movement during orthodontic treatment require intervention from our collaborating orthodontist and surgeon.

Impacted wisdom teeth may also be removed, even if orthodontic treatment is not planned. This situation occurs when the wisdom tooth bud causes pain, inflammation of the periodontium, and poses a threat to the health of adjacent teeth and the patient's overall health, leading to the formation of dental cysts and potentially odontogenic infections.

What are the doctor's recommendations after wisdom teeth removal?

After wisdom teeth extraction, it is crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene and create conditions conducive to clot formation and proper wound healing. Improper care can lead to complications, which is why post-operative recommendations are so important for a quick recovery. Here are a few important post-operative tips:
  • Avoid touching the extraction site, maneuvering your tongue around the wound, or sucking to avoid disturbing the healing process.
  • Do not rinse your mouth in the first few days after the procedure to avoid dislodging the clot, which is crucial for wound healing.
  • If swelling occurs, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the cheek, avoiding direct sucking of ice.
  • Consume soft, easily chewable foods, avoiding hard and hot foods and drinks.
  • Continue brushing your teeth, avoiding the area around the extracted tooth to avoid irritating the healing wound.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, which can negatively affect the healing process.
  • Limit intense physical activity until the stitches are removed. Avoid the gym, running, and swimming pool use.
If antibiotics or pain relievers are needed, you will receive appropriate recommendations and a prescription from us. Adhering to these guidelines will help you quickly forget about the inconveniences associated with wisdom teeth removal.
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