When a patient suffers from a malocclusion, the first specialist that comes to mind is the orthodontist. However, malocclusion can also be a consequence of improper functions occurring in the oral cavity, which is why a speech therapist is also essential in the treatment process for some patients. The speech therapist focuses on the functions, and malocclusion can be the cause or consequence of improper functions. Therefore, the speech therapist conducts diagnostics and plans therapy to restore proper motor function and resting positions of the lips, tongue, and jaw.
Among the basic causes of malocclusion, there are factors that form the basis of speech therapy treatment and elimination. Incorrect swallowing, mouth breathing, lip incompetence, improper chewing and food processing, parafunctional habits such as prolonged pacifier or bottle sucking, tongue, cheek, or lip sucking, thumb sucking, nail-biting, object biting, teeth grinding, are some of the most common causes of malocclusion.
Speech therapy, along with orthodontic treatment, can shorten the time of wearing braces. Cooperation between the orthodontist and speech therapist is necessary in some cases because the orthodontist develops and implements the treatment for malocclusion, and the speech therapist starts the therapy aimed at eliminating the causes.

Malocclusion can cause difficulties in food processing (biting and chewing), swallowing, and even digestion. It also contributes to speech disorders and even temporomandibular joint dysfunction, recurrent headaches, or airway obstruction. The speech therapist, in collaboration with a physiotherapist, also deals with the rehabilitation of these difficulties.
Speech therapy with orthodontic patients starts with a diagnosis, which includes an interview with the patient or the patient's parent, an examination of the orofacial structure, observation of resting positions within the face and oral cavity, observation of processes such as swallowing, breathing, biting, chewing, phonation, general functioning through various activities aimed at analyzing tension, symmetry, mobility of individual muscles, observing body posture, and finally articulation examination. Based on a thorough diagnosis, the speech therapist plans an individual therapy that includes cooperation with the orthodontist, appropriate stimulations, passive and active training, and supportive methods such as kinesiotaping and electrostimulation tailored to each patient's case. In orthodontic patients, the speech therapist is sometimes essential due to the need to correct tongue activity during speech or swallowing. Tongue thrusting against the teeth, swallowing with the tongue between the teeth, and other myofunctional disorders can interfere with the effects of brace correction, which is why speech therapy is an essential element of orthodontic treatment.
We invite you to speech therapy consultations at Kazimierczak Orthodontics and Radiology Clinic. A team of qualified specialists from various fields will ensure optimal results in orthodontic treatment.
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