In today's times, more and more people are facing issues with temporomandibular joints. Patients often don't realize that their discomfort is related to these joints, which complicates their treatment. Fortunately, there are many ways to help in this area. Physical therapists specialized in this field can assist patients in relieving headaches, neck pain, excessive tension in the jaw muscles, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, tooth sensitivity, difficulty opening the mouth, and many other problems.
Physical therapy for temporomandibular joints is an important support for orthodontic and orthodontic-prosthetic treatments. With proper preparation of the masticatory system, the treatment can be more effective and less painful. Modern orthodontic treatment allows for the correction of malocclusions that were previously classified as requiring surgical intervention. Treating such malocclusions requires support from a physical therapist to help the patient smoothly adapt to the new bite conditions.
Dental physical therapy is applied in dental surgery, orthodontics, and prosthodontics. Especially patients after orthognathic surgeries benefit from physical therapy procedures that allow for adaptation to the new anatomical conditions of the masticatory system. Physical therapy also supports the treatment of bruxism, which involves clenching and/or grinding teeth, by teaching conscious muscle relaxation and calming techniques for the nervous system.
It's important to remember that dental physical therapy is a process that requires time and patience. We start with several preparatory visits, often in conjunction with splint therapy. After the appliance is installed, we continue with physical therapy to minimize secondary symptoms such as facial pain, temporomandibular joint pain, headaches, and maximize the treatment effects.

A multidisciplinary approach to the patient's issues increases the chances of successful treatment. Therefore, if you have issues with temporomandibular joints, it is worth consulting a dental physical therapist who will help you alleviate discomfort and improve your quality of life.
We invite you to Kazimierczak Orthodontics and Radiology Clinic for dental rehabilitation treatments. The application of dental physical therapy procedures allows for achieving the desired treatment outcomes more quickly in some cases and getting rid of prolonged pain symptoms.
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